DeArticle (Beta)

DeArticle Beta is a text summarization platform for AI model preprocessing. It utilizes multiple pre-annotation models, based on open-source large models, to pre-annotate long articles. Web3 users then vote on the pre-annotations, with the highest-voted data becoming the final annotation. This significantly enhances the efficiency of data annotation for AI enterprises. DeData's Data Engine will train pre-annotation models based on the final results, thereby enriching and refining DeData's pre-annotation models.

Apple Cases

Users are able to apple a case on DeArticle: users can choose language that they prefer

Language: English and Simplified Chinese

Vote Cases

If users need to vote on all the cases abstract that were generated through pre-label model DataEngine. If the 2nd abstract get the highest votes, all checker who vote on the 2nd abstract will get the highest points. Other checkers who vote for the wrong abstract will get lower points


After users finish the abstract, user need to sign on the wallet(Metamask, Trust wallet, Okx wallet etc.)

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